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Stefi & Friends | March 2024

Patagonia, Iguazú & Copacabana

Well well well, I don’t even know where to start and I can’t say enough AMAZING things about Aventura Austral (AA)

Months ago I was thinking about creating the trip for my parents and their friends in South America. I contacted AA (Marina and Chris) and told them the initial idea. Within a couple of days they sent me calculations, itinerary, transport and accommodation type ideas, guided activities all in a super professional way. My head was blown away.

After showing this first material to a potential group of 6, we suddenly had 12 people who wanted to travel. AA organised everything for us. It was unbelievable. South America is not an easy region to assure services and that everything will work. But man! They did a great job! All worked like a Swiss watch. Even after Argentinian Airlines announced the strike on the day we were supposed to fly, they helped with all rearrangements. Every step before and on tour I felt that we were never alone.

We travelled from Europe to Buenos Aires, we visited Ushuaia, El Chalten, Calafate, Torres Del Paine, Bariloche, Iguazu falls and Rio de Janeiro. We hiked, we visited museums, we did tidewater rafting, we stayed in  great hotels, camping, we ate well, we tried local drinks and delicacies thanks to them. 

I can truly recommend Aventura Austral to anybody who is thinking about the southern tip of South America. They will create magic for you. They know the region, right people, they have all the keys to open the hidden rooms of this part of the planet for you. Trust them and you won’t regret it. I am definitely coming back in the future with more friends and Aventura Austral will plan it for us for sure as without them we would have never left home!

Stefi & Friends from Slovakia

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